Lol for some reason the app won't let me reply to your response or do anything with your response so I'm just going to say thank you here for responding to me and letting me know because I was so genuinely confused on how to make arrows 😭
Hi! I recently started the game and i feel kinda dumb for asking since i haven't gotten past the swamp boss yet but how to you craft arrows? I feel like ive forgotten some dialogue on how to do it and its kinda making the playthrough rougher than i feel it should be 🤣
I'm sorry for the late response! Thank you so much for playing <3 There's only one scene for one ending so I'm not sure what you're referring to :00 Maybe it's the game over scene you get if you fail to beat the final boss?
It is beyond amazing to me that this game is free. Such beautiful design and story and concept and just. Everything honestly. I love how you can interact with everything and HAVE to help the people in need, it's beautiful. Wonderful job with this beautiful story. I can't tip you more because my currency is worth way less than USD :') but please know that this game is worth everything to me
Sorry for the late response but you're too sweet T_T I'm really really glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you so much for the donation I really appreciate it^^
Hi! I know this game is a few years old so I wont be upset if theres nothing you can do but;
I started playing and then saved and closed the game, only for when i open it back up my save is gone. I do have a save in the www folder but im not sure what to do with it as its not working. I also am using winrar
I will email the files to you if you respond to this comment, Thank you! :D
Yall i love this game so far but how do you get more arrows!?!?!?!??!??!? i tried putting sticks and feathers together but that resulted in ???, is there a crafting table or something?!??!?!
finally defeated the final boss,and oh god. this game was amazing, definitely one of my favourites. didn't expect it to be so long (took me 8 hours) but i don't mind that.we love yuri. 10/10 i loved it sm <3
I started playing your game and loved it!! But I wanted to know how to do the cat's mission? The one where he gives you a potion and a bone to make a potion, I didn't understand what it was supposed to do. Sorry if there was a word wrong, I don't know how to speak English 😉
one of the games made from rpg maker that i adore sm. the artstyle and colors, the story, the music. its a chef's kiss. I progressed through most of the game but however theres this quest where i have to brew two potions. i already know potion A but im clueless with potion B, what am i supposed to mix with the bone. oofles :'3
Hello, thanks for playing^^ I can give you a hint: You can make it by brewing a kind of berry with a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy!
But if you need immediate solution, let me know^^;
At times like this I wish I can put spoiler tags on my comments lolol
im absolutely inlove with this game but i have no idea what an earthy potion is or how to craft it. honestly at my wits end! but this game is honestly one of my faves so far. the storyline the art ahh everything! im relly struggling with potion brewing though at no fault of the game but my disabilities cause a lot of memory issues so crafting stuff from memory before i can add it to my journal is a struggle lol. but can anyone tell me what an earthy potion is pleaasee
So sorry about that, I can give you a hint: It's an enchantment/buffing potion which ingredients are a berry and a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy
But if you need immediate solution then I can give it to you as well: It's a potion made with blueberry + scale
thank you sooo much! im quite far into the game and havent tried making anything other than health and mana potions lol oh and antidote so i never would of got that ahah thanks again for making such a beautiful game (i hope i get to smooch the princess)
Good evening, I’m Ashiri, a translator/reviewer for the Tea Party blog ( I came across your game and found the concept intriguing and really admired the art. I’d like to request your permission to translate the game into PT-BR (Portuguese) so that other players can enjoy and admire your work. If you’d like to stay updated on the translation progress, I have a Twitter account @ashiri4d. You can contact me there. Thank you for reading!
Good evening, thank you very much and I appreciate you allowing me to translate your game. And yes, please, if you feel comfortable, we can get in touch on Twitter to facilitate communication! My Twitter handle is: @ashiri4d. You can also visit my Tumblr “ashiri3d” or my Instagram “ashiih3d” if you’re interested in another means of contact. ✧˖°🌷
I love this game. Simple as that. The story is incredible, the art style is great, and the pixel art and sounds were well made. I only have one issue, however, and that is the final fight. It softlocks you! I mean come on. Yes I beat the game, but due to the save before it puts you back into the fight when you reload and so on. A vicious cycle. Sure, it's done and dusted, but perhaps I'd still enjoy power levelling in my free time.
I don't want to be pushy but I'd love a developer response. I'm 5+ hours into this game, am I just gonna lose it like that?
Aww I'm so sorry about that. I can get you back to the point before the battle if you'd like me to. If you open the extracted game folder, then go to a folder named "www", can you please send me the save files inside the folder "save" to my email ? I'm sorry for the trouble^^;
I absolutely loved this game! For a fantasy rpg this has got to be one of the best I've seen. I wanted to ask if you accept fanart for the game? I love Violet's story and adore the ending, I wonder what it means by 'one happily ever after(?)' Sorry I'm pretty late to the train of this game's hype, but I hope more people see this and play it too!
¡Hola! me encantó el juego y fue precioso <3, pero tuve un problema/error con la misión de las pociones; hice la poción B sin problemas, pero la poción A sin importar que pociones combinara no pude conseguirla. Aún así complete el juego sin ningún problema.
No se si fue porque primero hice la poción B y tendría que haber hecho antes la poción A, si me faltó hacer alguna combinación o si fue un error del juego.
Tengo la seguridad de que el problema no fue cual poción hiciste primero. Gracias por avisarme de ese error, veré como resolver el problema. Gracias por jugarlo^^
I reaaaally love playing this game and actually this is the kind of game i was looking for. I really love the messages of the mushrooms because those are the words i really need to hear rn ;-;. I love doing the sidequests however there's this one last sidequest I'm having trouble completing because i don't know what potion "tastes earthy" :(( . But overall, from the artstyle, to the sidequests and battles, i really loved them, and i hope to play another game from u <3
What a cute little game. (Literally, I wanted to chew on the artstyle its so adorable). The plot is so sweet. I had so much fun with the quests this is exactly the game I wanted. I struggled a bit at the end but it was worth it. The mushrooms were my favourite detail had me tearing up I really needed to hear those words. Music was a bop fit perfectly (the final boss fight music had me ascending). Loved this game :) <333 - 3/1/23
My games glitched. Basically I exited the path to the beach and then Violet disappeared. I saved in file 10 and reloaded but she's still gone. I don't want to replay it because my last save file is before you fight The Keeper, any way to fix this?
I LOVEEEEE THIS GAME!!! I finally finished it yesterday, the ending was beautiful! now I went back before the final battle to do all the quests, but I have a few questions.
1. In the ending, we get a "happily ever after (?)", what is that question mark supposed to mean?
2. There's a creature I still haven't discovered, apparently, and I don't know where to find it.
3. There's still a "troubled soul" I have to help, but I don't have any more quests available. I don't know where to find this being I have to help :c
2&3. oh, I'll tell you the quests I've cleared because what I'm missing is probably a quest. I've done Potion's ingredient request, Stolen necklace, Arrows restock, Lost child, Urgent ??? potions, snowfleake hunt, That one melody, and Secret potion mission. Also, the creatures I've met are Lavantula, Hermiitake (dark and bright), Morning Goo, Morning Hue, Bumblebirdee, Cheercedar, Lurker, Mole, Snowfleake, Bitty, Salagator, Stumper. Quill-o-the-wisp, dreamcaptor, oworm, (the one i'm missing is positioned here on the creature list), Sirencer, And the Keeper
Maybe there's a secret area I havent found, but the only secret part I've seen is the one in the woods where I can enter only i n cat form and there's bittys that drop berries
ohhhh thanks, but oh gosh, I've already searched for another hidden path in the whole map, I can't find it *cry* if you want to, maybe you could tell me the general area
I'm enjoying the game a lot. The question I have how do get pass the two stumps when "Dreamland's Door" doesn't work. I am missing something? All 8 quest have been done. Most of orbs have been gotten.
hi, I love this game, but I was about to finish and I saved in the same slot as all my other saves. I can't defeat the final boss (the fog) because I'm too weak. is there any way to somehow erase my last save, or to be stronger? I really wanna be able to finish the game without having to do it all over (It took me months to get to this point :c)
I really hope there's a solution to my problem :( I feel so stupid for never having saved in another slot. If the only way is doing it all over, then I guess I'm gonna have to leave the game and come back in some months. I've been playing during my few free time during this school year, so it took me like 4 months, and i don't want it to take me four more months to be able to finish. I'll just wait until vacation, so i can complete it in a week and not have to wait so much to see the end. I really want to see Violet and Honora get together :C
Hello, there! Thank you so much, I'm really glad that you've been enjoying the game :DD I might be able to get you back to the point before the final battle so you can explore and grind some more before attempting the fight again. If you open the extracted game folder, go to a folder named "www", your save file(s) should be inside a folder named "save". I would like for you to send me those files to my email and I'll see what I can do from there!
Hi, my name is Denice and I´m from El Salvador. I´m a professional translator and I´m studying Video Game Localization. I´m interested in this game and I want to know if you would like to translate this game into Spanish. I would like to gain experience in this field and participate in the project if possible. Since I don't see any email, I wrote to you here in the comments.
Hello there, Denice^^ Thank you so much for the offer! It would be such a pleasure to have the game translated to Spanish! However, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with translation projects. Would you mind to send me an email to to discuss the matter further? Thank you
this game is super adorable :D!! i've played it for five and a half hours now, and it's been great so far. only one question, can anyone tell me how to make a potion that 'tastes earthy' for the cat's secret potion quest? i've tried tons of combinations but it's always resulted in a ??? potion. any help or hints appreciated :D
edit: oh nvm, i figured it out! anyone looking for a hint, scroll down a bit :)
really cute game! (btw, a little grammar error I found at the very start: "I should bring Corvi a Dark mushroom before I forgot" -> "... before I forget.")
Hi there! I am having a problem. I gave the indigo orb to Corvi, and Strigi would tell me I have the last orb. But I don't seem to have it at all. Please help!
I have 2 questions. How do you make a poisonous potion?
And did you use a gamemaker to make this game? I noticed that there's a weird icon for the game on my taskbar. If so, what's it called? + I've been wanting to find a good gamemaker!
TYSMM!! You are literally so kind I'm sobbing. I LOVED the game BTW! It was so fun doing the little quests, and the art was adorable. I really hope to see more games from you!! <3
and yes, by the weird icon I meant the default RPG Maker MV one lol
← Return to game
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Lol for some reason the app won't let me reply to your response or do anything with your response so I'm just going to say thank you here for responding to me and letting me know because I was so genuinely confused on how to make arrows 😭
lolol no worries happy to help! that's weird that you can't reply to it😭
Hi! I recently started the game and i feel kinda dumb for asking since i haven't gotten past the swamp boss yet but how to you craft arrows? I feel like ive forgotten some dialogue on how to do it and its kinda making the playthrough rougher than i feel it should be 🤣
Thank you if you respond :)
Hii! Thanks for playing. Sorry about that maybe I should consider making a playthrough blog😭
You can craft arrows by opening your bag from the menu then click on either stick or feather that you have then combine it with the other!
I beat the game but i found out that in the file game there was a different scene of the ending.
So, i manage to get it by collecting every orb in final but i can't get it tho. Did i do something wrong
I'm sorry for the late response! Thank you so much for playing <3 There's only one scene for one ending so I'm not sure what you're referring to :00 Maybe it's the game over scene you get if you fail to beat the final boss?
It is beyond amazing to me that this game is free. Such beautiful design and story and concept and just. Everything honestly. I love how you can interact with everything and HAVE to help the people in need, it's beautiful. Wonderful job with this beautiful story. I can't tip you more because my currency is worth way less than USD :') but please know that this game is worth everything to me
Sorry for the late response but you're too sweet T_T I'm really really glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you so much for the donation I really appreciate it^^
This is my first Violet playthrought video)
Hi! I know this game is a few years old so I wont be upset if theres nothing you can do but;
I started playing and then saved and closed the game, only for when i open it back up my save is gone. I do have a save in the www folder but im not sure what to do with it as its not working. I also am using winrar
I will email the files to you if you respond to this comment, Thank you! :D
Heya! Did you make sure to extract the whole game files first before start playing?
I'm pretty sure I did, but im doing it again now. I dont need anymore help as it was just a few hours. Thank you and great game !! >-<
Okay! Thank youu lmk if you encounter any more problem!
hi can I get a hint on how to get a scale? I honestly have no idea and I really need help haha
You need to get to the swamp area
Yall i love this game so far but how do you get more arrows!?!?!?!??!??!? i tried putting sticks and feathers together but that resulted in ???, is there a crafting table or something?!??!?!
finally defeated the final boss,and oh god. this game was amazing, definitely one of my favourites. didn't expect it to be so long (took me 8 hours) but i don't mind that.we love yuri. 10/10 i loved it sm <3
Literally beautiful, 10/10 I loved it <3
I adore these types of games, and the wlw rep makes it even better!!
Fs one of my favorite games I've played to date
I started playing your game and loved it!! But I wanted to know how to do the cat's mission? The one where he gives you a potion and a bone to make a potion, I didn't understand what it was supposed to do. Sorry if there was a word wrong, I don't know how to speak English 😉
one of the games made from rpg maker that i adore sm. the artstyle and colors, the story, the music. its a chef's kiss. I progressed through most of the game but however theres this quest where i have to brew two potions. i already know potion A but im clueless with potion B, what am i supposed to mix with the bone. oofles :'3
Hello, tysm for the sweet comment!
Sorry I just read it, do you still need help?
helloo can i have tips on defeating the northeast forest boss?
By the way on the swamp boss, i got so lucky and i killed the boss at 1 HP!!!
srry if i was bragging i dont mean to brag :(
No way my crushes name, i gotts play this now
Hello, I am so invested with this game and its story line but I can't figure out the love potion recipe, may I have some help please?
Hello, thanks for playing^^ I can give you a hint: You can make it by brewing a kind of berry with a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy!
But if you need immediate solution, let me know^^;
At times like this I wish I can put spoiler tags on my comments lolol
do you mind putting the recipe?
Okay! Honey + raspberry
thx so much!
im absolutely inlove with this game but i have no idea what an earthy potion is or how to craft it. honestly at my wits end! but this game is honestly one of my faves so far. the storyline the art ahh everything! im relly struggling with potion brewing though at no fault of the game but my disabilities cause a lot of memory issues so crafting stuff from memory before i can add it to my journal is a struggle lol. but can anyone tell me what an earthy potion is pleaasee
Hello thank you so much for playing^^
So sorry about that, I can give you a hint: It's an enchantment/buffing potion which ingredients are a berry and a dropped item you can only get from one specific enemy
But if you need immediate solution then I can give it to you as well: It's a potion made with blueberry + scale
thank you sooo much! im quite far into the game and havent tried making anything other than health and mana potions lol oh and antidote so i never would of got that ahah thanks again for making such a beautiful game (i hope i get to smooch the princess)
I've finished both of the mini-bosses and I need to finish the quests but I'm not sure where to get berries- I haven't gotten them in any drops-
Hello! You can get berries from the bushes
Good evening, I’m Ashiri, a translator/reviewer for the Tea Party blog ( I came across your game and found the concept intriguing and really admired the art. I’d like to request your permission to translate the game into PT-BR (Portuguese) so that other players can enjoy and admire your work. If you’d like to stay updated on the translation progress, I have a Twitter account @ashiri4d. You can contact me there. Thank you for reading!
Hello there, Ashiri. Nice to meet you^^ Thank you so much! It'd be such an honor to have my game translated into Portuguese!
Should I start contacting you on twitter? I look forward to be working with you^^
Good evening, thank you very much and I appreciate you allowing me to translate your game. And yes, please, if you feel comfortable, we can get in touch on Twitter to facilitate communication! My Twitter handle is: @ashiri4d. You can also visit my Tumblr “ashiri3d” or my Instagram “ashiih3d” if you’re interested in another means of contact. ✧˖°🌷
OMG this game sounds so cool, it's exactly what I've been looking for! I only have a mac tho, so i can't play it T-T
is there any chance it will comme out on mac soon, or is it more reasonable if i find a windows device i can borrow to play this on?
Hello, thank you for taking interest^^
Unfortunately, at this moment it's not possible for me to make this game available for mac users. I'm very sorry :'
I might try again soon tho sorry for the inconvenienceT__T
I added Violet to Akinator if thats alright:DD I love your game sm(ノ´Д`)ノ
Ofc it's alright! Awww thank you that's so nice :DDD
Oh. And one of the mushrooms near the beach told me "If heavy rain can shed tears, than why can't your heavy heart does the same?"
I love this game. Simple as that. The story is incredible, the art style is great, and the pixel art and sounds were well made. I only have one issue, however, and that is the final fight. It softlocks you! I mean come on. Yes I beat the game, but due to the save before it puts you back into the fight when you reload and so on. A vicious cycle. Sure, it's done and dusted, but perhaps I'd still enjoy power levelling in my free time.
I don't want to be pushy but I'd love a developer response. I'm 5+ hours into this game, am I just gonna lose it like that?
I'd really hope there are backup local saves.
Hullo! Thank you so much for the lovely words!
Aww I'm so sorry about that. I can get you back to the point before the battle if you'd like me to. If you open the extracted game folder, then go to a folder named "www", can you please send me the save files inside the folder "save" to my email ? I'm sorry for the trouble^^;
I absolutely loved this game! For a fantasy rpg this has got to be one of the best I've seen. I wanted to ask if you accept fanart for the game? I love Violet's story and adore the ending, I wonder what it means by 'one happily ever after(?)'
Sorry I'm pretty late to the train of this game's hype, but I hope more people see this and play it too!
Awww thank you so much for the lovely words!
And of course! I would love to see your fanart!! Make sure to share it to me (and/or here if you'd like to)
As for the ending, I just put it there just cause actually. There were reasons but I'll just leave it to your interpretation^^
Thanks again! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game<33
C'mon, please be a sequal!
¡Hola! me encantó el juego y fue precioso <3, pero tuve un problema/error con la misión de las pociones; hice la poción B sin problemas, pero la poción A sin importar que pociones combinara no pude conseguirla. Aún así complete el juego sin ningún problema.
No se si fue porque primero hice la poción B y tendría que haber hecho antes la poción A, si me faltó hacer alguna combinación o si fue un error del juego.
¡Hola! muchas gracias <<33
Tengo la seguridad de que el problema no fue cual poción hiciste primero. Gracias por avisarme de ese error, veré como resolver el problema. Gracias por jugarlo^^
Hello, i need to know if i can download the translation without downloading the game again
Hi there, the Spanish file has the translation already patched into the game so I'm sorry but you have to download the game all over again :"
Oh, its ok,thanks
I reaaaally love playing this game and actually this is the kind of game i was looking for. I really love the messages of the mushrooms because those are the words i really need to hear rn ;-;. I love doing the sidequests however there's this one last sidequest I'm having trouble completing because i don't know what potion "tastes earthy" :(( . But overall, from the artstyle, to the sidequests and battles, i really loved them, and i hope to play another game from u <3
Aww thank you so much!! :'DD<3 I'm glad that the mushrooms' words managed to reach you^^
If you're having problem with that quest, you can scroll down the comments to see some hints for it that I gave out :]
I finally got it T-T thankyou so much <3
that's great! thank you too <33
What a cute little game. (Literally, I wanted to chew on the artstyle its so adorable). The plot is so sweet. I had so much fun with the quests this is exactly the game I wanted. I struggled a bit at the end but it was worth it. The mushrooms were my favourite detail had me tearing up I really needed to hear those words. Music was a bop fit perfectly (the final boss fight music had me ascending). Loved this game :) <333 - 3/1/23
Aww thank you so much for your sweet words^^ I'm glad the mushrooms' words reached you <33
Thank you so much for playing :D <33
My games glitched. Basically I exited the path to the beach and then Violet disappeared. I saved in file 10 and reloaded but she's still gone. I don't want to replay it because my last save file is before you fight The Keeper, any way to fix this?
Nevermind, I used Retrace and it was fixed!
That is rather an unusual bug:0 I'm glad that it's managed to be fixed^^ Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I LOVEEEEE THIS GAME!!! I finally finished it yesterday, the ending was beautiful! now I went back before the final battle to do all the quests, but I have a few questions.
1. In the ending, we get a "happily ever after (?)", what is that question mark supposed to mean?
2. There's a creature I still haven't discovered, apparently, and I don't know where to find it.
3. There's still a "troubled soul" I have to help, but I don't have any more quests available. I don't know where to find this being I have to help :c
Thank you so much for playing and congrats on beating the game!!
1. I'll leave it to your interpretation ;)
2&3. I don't know how to answer these because I don't know the ones you've already discovered and the ones you haven't so I'm sorry :')
thank YOU for creating it!!!
1. ohhh, I will~ ;3
2&3. oh, I'll tell you the quests I've cleared because what I'm missing is probably a quest. I've done Potion's ingredient request, Stolen necklace, Arrows restock, Lost child, Urgent ??? potions, snowfleake hunt, That one melody, and Secret potion mission. Also, the creatures I've met are Lavantula, Hermiitake (dark and bright), Morning Goo, Morning Hue, Bumblebirdee, Cheercedar, Lurker, Mole, Snowfleake, Bitty, Salagator, Stumper. Quill-o-the-wisp, dreamcaptor, oworm, (the one i'm missing is positioned here on the creature list), Sirencer, And the Keeper
Maybe there's a secret area I havent found, but the only secret part I've seen is the one in the woods where I can enter only i n cat form and there's bittys that drop berries
aww tysm:'DD
You're right, the quest you missed is inside a hidden path somewhere other than the one you've already discovered.
And as for the creature, you can only encounter it when picking up apples :>
ohhhh thanks, but oh gosh, I've already searched for another hidden path in the whole map, I can't find it *cry* if you want to, maybe you could tell me the general area
hmmm, apples, I'll keep picking up apples, then!
I'm enjoying the game a lot. The question I have how do get pass the two stumps when "Dreamland's Door" doesn't work. I am missing something? All 8 quest have been done. Most of orbs have been gotten.
nvm I got it figured out and went one to beat the game.
Great job on beating the game and thank you so much for playing^^
you're welcome and thank you for making such a great game.
hi, I love this game, but I was about to finish and I saved in the same slot as all my other saves. I can't defeat the final boss (the fog) because I'm too weak. is there any way to somehow erase my last save, or to be stronger? I really wanna be able to finish the game without having to do it all over (It took me months to get to this point :c)
I really hope there's a solution to my problem :( I feel so stupid for never having saved in another slot. If the only way is doing it all over, then I guess I'm gonna have to leave the game and come back in some months. I've been playing during my few free time during this school year, so it took me like 4 months, and i don't want it to take me four more months to be able to finish. I'll just wait until vacation, so i can complete it in a week and not have to wait so much to see the end. I really want to see Violet and Honora get together :C
Hello, there! Thank you so much, I'm really glad that you've been enjoying the game :DD I might be able to get you back to the point before the final battle so you can explore and grind some more before attempting the fight again. If you open the extracted game folder, go to a folder named "www", your save file(s) should be inside a folder named "save". I would like for you to send me those files to my email and I'll see what I can do from there!
thank you soooo much omg <3 I just sent the files
Hi, my name is Denice and I´m from El Salvador. I´m a professional translator and I´m studying Video Game Localization. I´m interested in this game and I want to know if you would like to translate this game into Spanish. I would like to gain experience in this field and participate in the project if possible. Since I don't see any email, I wrote to you here in the comments.
Hello there, Denice^^ Thank you so much for the offer! It would be such a pleasure to have the game translated to Spanish! However, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with translation projects. Would you mind to send me an email to to discuss the matter further? Thank you
this game is super adorable :D!! i've played it for five and a half hours now, and it's been great so far. only one question, can anyone tell me how to make a potion that 'tastes earthy' for the cat's secret potion quest? i've tried tons of combinations but it's always resulted in a ??? potion. any help or hints appreciated :D
edit: oh nvm, i figured it out! anyone looking for a hint, scroll down a bit :)
thank you sm!!^^ that earthy potion sure is confusing, isn't it? :p
really cute game! (btw, a little grammar error I found at the very start: "I should bring Corvi a Dark mushroom before I forgot" -> "... before I forget.")
thank you!!
oh, i didn't notice that. thank you for pointing it out :DD
Hi there! I am having a problem. I gave the indigo orb to Corvi, and Strigi would tell me I have the last orb. But I don't seem to have it at all. Please help!
maybe you do have the last orb but haven't brought it along with you? maybe it's left behind and is hiding somewhere around your hut ? :33
TYSM. I'm so sorry for bothering you on the email too. I was just quite worried LMAO <3
nahh, dw about it! np <3
I have 2 questions.
How do you make a poisonous potion?
And did you use a gamemaker to make this game? I noticed that there's a weird icon for the game on my taskbar. If so, what's it called? + I've been wanting to find a good gamemaker!
Thank you :D
hi hi, I'll give you a little hint! poisonous potion is made by brewing two different ingredients but both ingredients should be poisonous!
I used RPG Maker MV to make this game^^ by weird icon, do you mean the rpg maker mv default taskbar icon?
good luck with your gamemaking journey!! :D
TYSMM!! You are literally so kind I'm sobbing. I LOVED the game BTW! It was so fun doing the little quests, and the art was adorable. I really hope to see more games from you!! <3
and yes, by the weird icon I meant the default RPG Maker MV one lol
awww tysm :'D <333 I really hope to see games from you too^^
ah I see, alright lol
i love the desien and i dont know how to spell
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool! great job!!